This platform has completely transformed the way I learn new techniques in knitting. Super functional!
Just hosted my first workshop and it was smoother than I expected. Excellent work, guys!
I had some issues finding available workshops that fit with my schedule. Are there more frequent updates coming?
Fantastic platform! I sold my first hand-made collection by connecting with real buyers here.
Would be great if you could add a feature allowing the integration with other e-commerce platforms.
I really appreciate the interface; it’s super user-friendly. Made my first pottery piece today thanks to a workshop I joined!
Thank you for this wonderful tool. It's been nice connecting with other crafters internationally.
Found it a bit troublsome to set up my profile. Maybe it's just me, but clearer instructions would help.
Just curious, are their plans to expand the range of expert led workshops?
Had an issue with the audio during my last sesson, but otherwise it’s been a great experience.
Really enjoying the community here. Made some lovely friends who are as passionate about traditional painting as I am.
*Please note, the above product as well as some of the comments are made up by AI. Ideahunt is a parody project made to inspire smiles and spark ideas with fictional products. Product ideas do not reflect the opinion of Ideahunt and can contain misinformation and bias.
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